Friday, March 30, 2012


Classy, sassy and sexy.
Fabulous, glamorous and amazing.
I could go on for ages about how much I love boudoir aka "boudie" sessions. They give a girl the chance to primped and made to feel fabulous by an amazing team! I have some sweet hair/makeup ladies and then of course moi, your photographer du jour. 

I'll be shooting this weekend for two fabulously beautiful ladies and I cannot wait! I've got music, food and just about anything else you could think about having. As well as poses and of course you'll be hearing about it over at my photography blog, so you should definitely stay tuned! 

I really hope if you're in the Tacoma/Olympia area that you look into local photographers, such as myself, and others who aren't "big names" because you usually get so much more bang for your buck! So stay tuned, stay beautiful and I hope to see your comments in the next few days over at my photography page! 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

uh.. hey there interwebs

I'm not sure if you know me, but I used to blog under another name/site... but I felt the need for a change, a complete renovation to speak, but instead of renovating, I decided to delete and start anew! I wanted to branch off from who I was and make sure you could be apart of who I am, which you can read more about here
I suppose I could start blogging about how I'm a nanny, or that I am a photographer in the Tacoma area and am looking for people with bridal gowns who are willing to get all glamed the eff up and take pictures for FREE.. but I will start off with how much I love bagels. I do, they are amazing. I could eat a bagel everyday and not get tired of them... I also love coffee - a bit too much - and I seriously dislike static electricity. I'm not happy with my appearance, so I'm working on it. I have a limited amount of friends and I'm slowly becoming okay with that, I don't need a million people to like me or any of that crap.. I really just need somewhere to vent and talk about the random things in my brain. So here I am, ridiculous and full of random stuff. I don't know where this blog will go, where I'll go.. and hopefully it'll just be a fun -read drama free- experience! 
you rock.