Tuesday, May 8, 2012

little updates

So if read my last blog you know my BIL (brother in law) has non-hodkins and hodkins lymphoma, the man is a freaking weirdo, and that he's been battling it for about eight years. My sister (his wife) and their two kiddos have been through seven rounds of chemo and just recently a stem cell therapy that will hopefully "reboot" his system and be all "eff you, cancer!" 

Last month after about 3 weeks in a nice clean (read scary clean) environment, two infections and massive amounts of hatred for needles and life, he came home! Though we don't know if the treatment has/will work, we're extremely hopeful, this is his "last chance" and he's even made it clear that if it doesn't work he doesn't want to continue treatment.. which I can understand.. from what I've heard chemo sucks. So this is the little update for those who were riveted by my BIL's ability to get two cancers in a few years.. I'm still impressed, the man just you know.. he saw what he didn't want and got it! -sarcasm- 

Other than that, A might still deploy.. thanks to his dick jobs of a squadron.. I'm just over the constant deployments, of watching my friends go through them too.. the supposed dwell time and deployment "promises" that never happen.. I sincerely think they suck. So at least you're all caught up.

Prayers would be greatly appreciated on all levels and I thank you for it.. it takes a village, right? 

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